dissabte, 16 de setembre del 2017


My school is wonder!!! It’s called “Escola Arrels II” The name of my school is the union of three schools, “Escola Sagrat Cor” “L’Estonac” and the “Escola Castell Vell”.
My high school is giant. It was built 1960-1961. It’s got three floors and a big playground, with a five-football field, two basketball courts, a volleyball courts. We also have a sports hall we do PE when it’s raining or snowing outside.
My floor has about 15 classrooms: two for 1st, two for 2nd, a workshop for technology… In my school also have a library with a lot of books and any computers, but I don’t say in it. In the canteen, we can buy the breakfast or a coffee, but we also have lunch.

There are about 13 teachers in my floor. Some of their, in my opinion are very good and the others are good. In my school are about 400 students, the most of the students’ study ESO and the small part of their study Batxillerat or study vocational training courses. I like my school but I think that it’s can improve.

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